Welcome to Healthcare Practitioners

Meditation practice is becoming ever more popular among health care practitioners, and it’s been an honor to teach and support many who meditate as part of their own wellness. Below is what a few have said. You may also enjoy this page by the Mayo Clinic on the some of the benefits of meditation. Please know you’re very welcome, especially if the stress of the past years is part of what brings you to sit.

“My time spent learning from Loden has been invaluable to my meditation practice. I’ve had the benefit of sitting on retreat twice with Loden, both were important times of personal growth. Through meditation, I feel that I’m more engaged with people, I’m more able to cultivate compassion towards others and myself. It’s deepened my work as a psychiatrist, and helped me recognize the innate goodness in my patients. On a practical level, my focus has improved, I can better triage my day and stick with a task I’ve started, I don’t feel as pulled in ten different directions. I’ve become a kinder, gentler person, and I’m overall more attune with what’s important. I would say meditation has been a true gift." - Dmitriy, Psychiatrist

“After attending Loden’s meditation retreats and taking up a regular meditation and mindfulness practice, my experience working in the hospital began to change. I became much more attuned to my own embodied emotional experience when working with patients and colleagues, which I believe improved my clinical decision making and communication skills. I have also been able to enter my patient encounters with more open awareness which I think has been beneficial for my patients. Meditation has led me to an increased experience of joy in the practice of medicine.” - Carrie, Hospitalist Physician

“Working with Loden and practicing meditation has helped ease the clutter in my mind. Like many of us, I have a pretty busy life and I wear a lot of hats. I am a physician leader in my hospital, a mother to my five-year-old, a daughter to my aging mother, and a sister to my younger sibling who is struggling with fertility issues... Meditation has helped me stay replenished/mindful personally so I can stay present and aware in all those roles I carry in my day to day life.

Loden has a good insight into a physician's personality. I went through a profound personal loss a year ago with the tragic loss of my beloved father. Loden's meditation technique helped me get back to my feet. He connected me to a group of other female physicians who were also interested in meditative practices for healing and peace. A group of four of us have been meeting every month, and over the course of the last 1 year, this group has become my safe place and my support group.”