Path of Freedom: The Four Truths of Buddhism

Eight classes live on Zoom, which will be recorded and available at your convenience

Tuesdays, 7pm - 9pm Central (6pm - 8pm Mountain)

September 24th, October 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, November 5th, 12th

Questions live in class, and by email on your own time

Many of us experience one or another form of struggle, turmoil, or tragedy in life, and these are often what bring us to spirituality. Or, we recognize a message that resonates and inspires us. This is how our deepest nature of wisdom and compassion shines through, in longing for healing and freedom and bringing us along our paths.

The Buddha’s teachings of the Four Noble Truths encourage us to accept our suffering with love. We can learn to understand and release the causes of suffering; entangled, destructive emotions (kleshas), and actions based upon them that play out across lives and become systematized in societies (karma). We can include everything in a transformative path of living true to form, and coming home together to natural freedom.

This course on the Four Noble Truths will describe this in more depth, and include topics like:

-What is our Buddha Nature? How are we naturally wise, loving, and free?

-How to have a healthy relationship with the suffering we experience in life

-An introduction to Buddhist psychology

-What is karma? How does it work? What about collective, and national karma too?

-The long term view of Buddhism, including how to contextualize the crises of the times we’re living in

-What is right livelihood? How do we incorporate our work into our paths?

-Can we all someday be free?

Registration and Payment

Register by filling out your name and email below, and by making an offering on Venmo or PayPal as described. I’ll then email you to confirm (give it a day or two), and will provide the Zoom link for the classes. The classes will be recorded as they occur, and the recordings made available in the days following each live class for those watching at your own time.

Payment and Details

The sustainable offering for this course is $200, though if that presents an obstacle, you can offer whatever amount works for you:)

My Venmo and PayPal are under my given name, Travis Dierolf



(970) 573-2383



(970) 573-2383

Link to Recordings, Readings, and Resources

This course is presently ongoing. For those who have registered for the course and are participating, you can click the button below to access the recordings and resources. It will ask for a password, which you received via email. Contact me if you need it again.